A new way to learn Robotics...

Tele-operated arm

EURLAB TA scheme

This device allows an operator to manipulate an object remotely from its own movements. One of the main uses can be the manipulation of objects in hostile environment: Space, dangerous environment (pollution, radiation, ...).
This collaborative project, initiated by the EURLAB team, was developed for two years by students from the three partner schools during their training course: 3D design, programming, manufacturing, assembly and testing.

 TA Design  

The goal was to foster student collaboration by creating an innovative robotic system and to inspire students from previous classes to continue their scientific and technical studies.
This system was presented at Innorobo 2017.

TA IR 1 s TA IR 2 s

A new arm version is under development.


A brand new combo system ROVER + DRONE !

Coming soon on EURLAB!

Music Bot


 EURLAB Music bot3
This collaborative project, initiated by the EURLAB team, was developed for two years by students from the three partner schools during their training course: 3D design, programming, manufacturing, assembly and testing.
innorobo15   innorobo14
 The goal was to foster student collaboration by creating an innovative robotic system and to inspire students from previous classes to continue their scientific and technical studies.
This system was presented at Innorobo 2017.
 First CAD Model and first prototype
Music Bot prototypes in progress
 Music Bot at Innorobo 2017